
Employers organized a professional workshop in the field of education and digitization 

Employers associated in the National Union of Employers (NUE) have long considered lifelong learning to be one of their key priorities. For this reason, a professional workshop entitled AdultLearning RO-SK: Digital Competences in the Context of Lifelong Learning was organized in November 2023. During the workshop, together with representatives of academia, practitioners and other key partners, they discussed the current challenges in the field of lifelong learning and digitalisation.


Zamestnávatelia zorganizovali odborný workshop v oblasti vzdelávania a digitalizácie

Zamestnávatelia združení v Republikovej únii zamestnávateľov (RÚZ) považujú vzdelávanie dlhodobo za jednu zo svojich kľúčových priorít. Z tohto dôvodu počas novembra zorganizovali odborný workshop s názvom AdultLearning RO-SK: Digitálne kompetencie v kontexte celoživotného vzdelávania. V rámci neho spoločne so zástupcami akademickej obce, odborníkmi z praxe, ako aj ďalšími kľúčovými partnermi diskutovali o aktuálnych výzvach v oblasti vzdelávania a digitalizácie.  


Concordia launches two analysis reports on lifelong learning in Romania

As part of the AdultLearningROSK project, implemented in Romania by the Employers' Confederation Concordia with the support of the European Union, we proudly announce the release of two comprehensive reports dedicated to enhancing societal comprehension of lifelong learning (LLL) in Romania. These reports shed light on the institutional framework for LLL and provide key insights into participation in such programs across the country.


Concordia lansează două rapoarte privind învătarea pe tot parcursul vieţii în România

În cadrul proiectului AdultLearningROSK, implementat în România de către Confederația Patronală Concordia cu sprijinul Uniunii Europene, lansăm două rapoarte menite a îmbunătăți înțelegerea de la nivel societal cu privire la învățarea pe tot parcursul vieții din România. Cele două rapoarte vizează cadrul instituțional pentru învățarea pe tot parcursul vieții din România, respectiv cercetarea participării în asemenea programe în România.


Competitive Business and skilled employees – let´s prepare together for the challenges of the future

The world of work is facing profound changes caused by the digital transformation of society. Automation and Industry 4.0 are gradually transforming traditional production processes into more modern and intelligent ones, bringing opportunities and risks for businesses and their workers. Therefore, employers associated with the National Union of Employers (NUE) have joined forces with social partners from Romania and other international organizations.


Konkurencieschopné podniky a kvalifikovaní zamestnanci – pripravme sa spoločne na výzvy budúcnosti

Svet práce čelí rozsiahlym zmenám spôsobeným digitálnou transformáciou spoločnosti. Automatizácia a Priemysel 4.0 postupne pretvára tradičné výrobné postupy na modernejšie a inteligentnejšie, čo prináša pre podniky a ich pracovníkov príležitosti, ale aj riziká. Zamestnávatelia združení v Republikovej únii zamestnávateľov (RÚZ) preto spoločne so sociálnymi partnermi z Rumunska a ďalšími medzinárodnými organizáciami spojili svoje sily.


The cooperation of the social partners must becom a priority – high-quality and functioal social dialogue (not only) in time of crisis is essential

For more than two years in Slovakia, one crisis alternates with another. In addition to new challenges in the form of a pandemic or an energy and inflation crisis, our country also has to deal with unstoppable global technological progress and profound changes in the labor market.


Spolupráca sociálnych partnerov sa musí stať prioritou – kvalitný a funkčný sociálny dialóg (nielen) v časoch krízy je nevyhnutný

Už viac ako dva roky na Slovensku strieda jedna kríza druhú. Okrem nových výziev v podobe pandémie či energetickej a inflačnej krízy sa musí naša krajina navyše vysporiadať aj s nezadržateľným globálnym technologickým pokrokom a zásadnými zmenami na trhu práce. 


Cooperarea partenerilor sociali trebuie să devină o prioritate. Dialogul social de înaltă calitate este esențial în perioade de criză.

De mai bine de doi ani România trece dintr-o criză în alta. Pe lângă noile provocări sub forma unei pandemii, a unei crize energetice și inflație, țara noastră trebuie să facă față și progresului tehnologic global precum și schimbărilor profunde de pe piața muncii.

The AdultLearningROSK project is co-funded by the European Union. The sole responsibility of the content published on this website lies with the author. The European Commission or any other body of the European Union is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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